About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Oh How I Love Them...

This morning as I sit at the computer I am reminded of just how much I love my sweet little boys. The youngest is walking around talking in his sweet little voice. He is getting better at it. I can actually understand most of what he says now. And what I don't understand, his older brother is willing to translate. However big brother always translates it so something having to do with wanting a snack. Must be a firstborn thing. I seem to remember using my younger siblings as pawns to try to get my way too.

I love the way they play together and sing together. They got a little CD player with a microphone for their birthdays. They have loved that thing. They have a few songs that they will sing over & over & over. Luckily they are songs that I don't mind because after hearing them for 25 times a day I might go crazy otherwise.

This morning they begged to watch a video about construction equipment. They are fascinated with all things tractor related. Must get that from daddy. I certainly do not have affections for them.

Well, the house is coming along, I promise. I have been purging closets, cabinets, and clothes the last few days and reorganizing everything. So after everything is the way I want it I will post some pics. My hubby told me this morning that he had prayed last night and thanked the Lord that his wife was getting organized. I didn't realize it was that bad. Oh well, you know what I say. If you don't like the way I do it, then go ahead and do it yourself. Hahaha

We had the second session of our Breaking Free bible study last night. So far it is great. There is just so much that the Lord is showing and teaching me. One thing that really has hit me hard is that I want a new passion and love for the Word of God. There is so much power in the Word and so many promises that are available but I can't claim them if I don't know what they are. I am also realizing how many areas of my life need total transformation by the Lord. And how many areas of my life need to be surrendered completely to the Lord and His will. I feel that this is going to be a process and maybe sometimes painful but I know that the freedom on the other side will be worth it.

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