About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Other Blog

I have started another blog that will follow what I feel the Lord is doing in me right now.


or you can click on MY JOURNEY in the blog list on the left.


KT said...

I'm excited about this blog!

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your boldness in what you are doing sharing your life. God will use your testimony.
I started my blog, http://n-tono-a-sunshine.typepad.com/hispagetonoway/, to reach out to others to have them get to know who God really is to a lost world. I started it primarily for my friends and family. But if it reaches others, so be it. I will let God take the lead. It was my vision for my wife and me to do this. My wife doesn’t feel that she has a lot to say to others. I disagree, but that’s something that God has to communicate to her through His Holy Spirit. It’s reaching out to all, showing a real person who strives to serve the Lord. I pray that you will show the real side of who you are by showing God’s love, grace and mercy.
I would like you to read my blog at your convenience and let me know if you have any suggestions on how I can meet this idea of reaching out to others about being REAL and displaying God’s character in whole in reaching out to the confused and challenged world. You show it from a woman's perspective; I would like express it from a male's point of view.