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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chaos Returns

Thank the Lord. The boys are back to being their rambunctious selves. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Isn't it odd how God allows things to realign our perspectives? Last week I was so tired of the "high-energy" environment and after a week of puny kiddos I am so thankful. Thankful that my children are alive, healthy, developemetally on-point, active and loving life. I love that they watch out for each other. Today they were drawing pictures of each other.

Another thing I realized this week is that my boys are getting big. Soon there is coming a day that they won't fit on my lap. Trying to enjoy every day and its challenges and many blessings.

Oh, and I know many out there totally understand what I am about to say. There is nothing sweeter in the entire world than listening to your children praying and talking to God. They talk to him like he is a close friend and tell about their day, what they liked about their day and what they didn't. The other day my oldest started asking the Lord to show him Gods will, His perfect will (his words). I was blown away. And when they pray and thank the Lord for momma & daddy and all they do, everything is worth it, isn't it? Hubby & I were talking the other night about how awesome it will be when they accept the Lord into their heart & life. It made me cry thinking about it. So that is our prayer...that they will seek the Lord and desire to know Him. Prayers like theirs must light up the heart and face of God. Imagine how God feels when any of His children seek Him. His heart and face is lighting up right now over you and I. He loves us all so much.


Shell said...

Oh the day they accept Christ is even better than the day they were born.

Uncommon Blonde said...

What sweet little prayers! I loved reading this