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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Pathfinder took a Vacation

I seem to start my blogs as if I am in the middle of a thought or conversation. Hmmmm.....interesting.

Anyway, last night while coming home from music practice at church my SUV decided to have a nervous breakdown. Apparently it was feeling emotional or something because it couldn't decide if it wanted to drive or stop. Conflicting emotions that resulted in the car shaking and rattling and surging. Pretty scary stuff if you ask me. Well then it must have just hit the end of herself because then she decided to just shut down.....and I mean while we are driving down the road at 60 mph. We had lights but that is about it. The engine was gone and so were the brakes. However my manly man husband grabbed the emergency brake and was able to bring safely to a stop. Thankfully we ended up in the parking lot of the only gas station within 15 miles or so. Granted it was closed but at least we weren't in a ditch or in someone's yard.
(That would have freaked me out since I have been reading way too many Ted Dekker novels......if your not familiar with him, never mind)

My sweet hubby tried everything he could think of to get it started again but to no avail. We finally called my brother in law after taking almost an hour to decide that it was in fact not going to wake up from her coma. We made it home safely. Cold but safe.

Now I tell you all of that to just tell you that last night seemed like a yucky, not pleasant ordeal. But as I looked again I saw some sparkle in it. (good stuff)

Normally my husband does not go with me to praise practice. But last night he did.
I would not have known how to stop my car after it died. But he did.
I would not have felt very safe sitting alone at 9:00pm in the middle of nowhere by myself. But I wasn't by myself.
Occasionally I take my two sons to practice with me. Last night they stayed with granny.

I know that it may not seem like much to the ordinary person but God used last night to remind me that He loves me so much that He takes pleasure in taking care of me. He knows all about me and He orchestrated last night to show it. If we take the time to look around us and see how many things that God works out in our behalf we would be amazed. We don't see the accident we avoided because we just could not find our keys and were 5 minutes late. We don't see the angels working and moving about us, doing what our Father God has instructed. He takes such pleasure in taking care of us. We may not recognize it. So often we only focus on what doesn't go our way or what inconveniences occur when we least expect. We never think that maybe what we think is so bad is really just a Heavenly replacement for something that was far worse. I am not saying that God wants to bring bad things into our life. But we live in a fallen world full of sin and consequences. There is going to be heartache, tragedy, dissapointment and hurt. But maybe we should look at what happens to us as blessing instead of burdens. The Word says that He will uplhold us with His mighty right hand. He gives us what we can handle? I think so because we never see the things He saved us from that He knew would break us. And for that I am thankful.

So while my car is still not fixed and my dishwasher is fried and my washing machine is tempermental I will praise the Lord. I know He has plans for me and my family. And I feel like right now He is teaching me so much. It isn't about what see with our eyes, it is all about Gods character. The more we know about that the more we can trust and know that He is good and is working it all out for His glory.


Shell said...

Praise God!!

Uncommon Blonde said...

Wow - that is definitely a good testimony! So glad you are all okay. Prayers that you find a perfect replacement car!

kpjara said...

Really great post! Thanks for sharing and I love Ted Dekker (new reader of him, but really enjoy his writing).