About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Back Home

I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. I am doing fine. Feeling good. We are still in the process of finding out about the vehicles.....thankfully we have a rental to drive.

Saturday I noticed that our water pressure was decreasing and decreasing. That afternoon the gentleman in charge of maintaining the community well stopped by to tell us that the well had quit working and they could not get it fixed until Monday. So we packed up some clothes and headed to my moms house to spend the weekend. It was driving me crazy knowing how much laundry was piling up at my house. Thankfully they got it repaired yesterday and we are now back at home. The washing machine is running and I am trying to get my house back in order.

I have so much to do today. I guess I should get to it.

Thanks again to everyone for the sweet comments and the prayers. I know they made all the difference.

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