About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Here They Are

Here are the not-so-interesting answers to your questions. Thanks for commenting. Hope everyone has a great week!!

Shell said.....
Do you have ADD.I do and it was I was reading a post from my blog. for those of you who know ADD is Attention Deficite Where do you find your blog layouts?


Answer: No I don't think I have ADD. But you can never know for sure can you? haha

T.M. said...
Are you going to be a stay at home mom after your boys go to school?

Answer: I plan on getting a job at the school they attend so I can be off when they are and make a little money too. It will help pay for tuition.

Leigh Ann said...
I read your blog and LOVE IT!!!! My question is....."How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?" LOL. I just talk to you a little while ago so I coldn't quite think of one at the moment. Love you and keep up the good blogging.

Answer: Well I should think that it a woodchuck could chuck a yard an hour....hahaha

Uncommon Blonde said...
You probably have lots of people reading who won't leave a comment - I know I do. My question is - If you were not a stay at home mom, what would you want to do? In other words, what is your dream job (besides your current one of course)?

Answer: A dream job....hmmm. Well if I wasn't married with kids I would want to be a Criminal Investigator. I love the psychology and forensics of that job. But it wouldn't really be conducive to family life. So, a dream job that I can do with a family.....that is easy, I would want to be a Praise & Worship leader and a middle school/high school teacher.


Mrs. Sofa said...

I check in periodically...and enjoy your posts.

T.M. said...

A job at your kids' school sounds fabulous. I may end up doing the same.