About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Daylight Savings Time Boycott

Apparently I have subconciously boycotted Daylight Savings Time. Because in my house it should be called Sleep Deprived Time. I can't seem to help myself. I am staying up way too late and getting up later too. So my body has still not adjusted to the new time. The nice thing is that my boys are still on the old time too......sweet for momma! That will end when they realize what is happening. It isn't that I don't want to go to bed it is that I am WIDE awake and cannot go to sleep. Hmmmmmmm.....

In other news..after shopping all over town today (a side note-shopping is NOT my favorite pasttime, especially when looking for a particular thing) I finally found fabric to make a shower curtain. And no, I will not be making it. My mom will be. I want to learn to sew and have started some lessons with her but I do not feel that something as noticeable as a shower curtain should be my first solo project. Maybe I should start with something like a napkin....that is an idea...hahah

I am going to pick out paint tomorrow. Yippee!! Almost finished. What will I do with myself when my bathroom is complete, my house is organized and spotless, the boys are bathing in the new tub and no more projects? Oh yeah....finish all the other projects, especially the ones I started and didn't complete. Like replacing glass and rehanging some of the storm windows or painting the front door. Oh the list is purty long. Should be busy for a while.

Did you know that I LOVE pizza? I could eat it everyday. Wish I had some right now with a Coke. Seriously, I am starting to salivate. Just throwing that out there.

Ok, last thing. I really have no idea who, if anybody, reads this thing. So if you do, please leave a comment with a question. Any question and I will answer it in my next blog.



Shell said...

Do you have ADD.I do and it was I was reading a post from my blog. for those of you who know ADD is Attention Deficite Where do you find your blog layouts?


T.M. said...

Are you going to be a stay at home mom after your boys go to school?

Leigh Ann said...

I read your blog and LOVE IT!!!! My question is....."How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?" LOL. I just talk to you a little while ago so I coldn't quite think of one at the moment. Love you and keep up the good blogging.

Leigh Ann

Uncommon Blonde said...

You probably have lots of people reading who won't leave a comment - I know I do. My question is - If you were not a stay at home mom, what would you want to do? In other words, what is your dream job (besides your current one of course)?