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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Iron Man

A few months ago I was flipping channels and ran across the Iron Man competition in Hawaii. I was totally floored as I watched people of various ages and physical conditions run this grueling race. There was a man that was over 70 years old and an young man with no legs. I could go on and on. Anyway I decided that I would like to run the Iron Man one day before I die. (here is to hoping and praying for a very long window of opportunity) So this thought has been in my head and I keep telling myself that I will follow through with this. Except for a couple of snags. I am a terrible swimmer. And when I say terrible I mean I can't swim very well at all. I look like a dog that didn't pay attention the day God was instrusting all dogs on how to swim. Yes, it is that bad. Snag #2 is that I haven't ridden a bicycle in about 18 years. Not even sure if I could balance on one at this point. But the biggest snag is that I HATE running. I wish I liked running but I don't. So while I have this grand idea of running and even finishing the Iron Man I realize that I will have to become a pod person or something to achieve this lofty goal.

Maybe my first goal should be to actually exercise at least a little bit every day. Because right now its not happening. Not unless you count playing the Wii Fit with the kids.

I said all of that to say that I was blog surfing this evening and almost half of the blogs that were "randomly" brought up were of people who are cyclists, runners, mountain climbers, etc. So I am rethinking my Iron Man idea.

Maybe a great life goal would be to try as many different types of cheesecake as I can. That sounds yummy!


Uncommon Blonde said...

I'm all about goals but I'm just wondering, why set a goal that involves things you don't like to do? Not saying you shouldn't go for it - just pondering the motivation behind this. Probably the same reason I want to climb Mt. Everest after I watch shows about it. (in actuality I think that would be a disaster)

PraiseJunky said...

Uncommon Blonde you are a genius! I hadn't thought about it that way. Guess it would make more sense to accomplish something that would at least be enjoyable, huh? And not to sound mean....but I don't see you climbing Everest. I am pretty sure heels aren't advised...hahaha

But your right....all those shows make it look so glamorous and atainable. In reality it just isn't that way, is it?