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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Fashionista I Am Not.....

After browsing some blogs and stuff today I have come to the sad conclusion that I am a fashion wreck. I have been in denial about it but there it is. I admit it. I would like to say that there was a time in my past that I was fashion forward and enjoyed keeping up with the current styles. But I can't. I would wear jeans and t-shirt everyday. They only fashionable items in my closet have come to me only when someone else was kind enough to think of me when they were cleaning out their own closet. So that would mean that while these were fashionable at one point by the time I was wearing them they were not. My biggest hangup is that I am super cheapo about clothes shopping. THat and the fact that I never go shopping, on purpose. Most of the items in my closet were purchased while shopping for something else and it was just too cheap to pass up. Never mind that it didn't fit or was an ugly color or hideous print. It was cheap and I bought it. Kind of sad isn't it? The other problem I have right now is that I am a different size than I used to be (that is a blog all by itself) and so my options are limited even further.

My sister LOVES shopping!! She loves fashion. She loves trendy clothes and wears them well. I never know what to put together and feel very silly in trendy clothes. Maybe you have to have a certain "attitude" to wear clothes. I am not sure. But I have decided that I think I will hire her to be my fashion consultant. I would rather give her my money and let her shop for me. I avoid the whole shopping experience and she gets to go shopping and picking out cute clothes and spending money that isn't hers. I think it sounds like a good plan. I am not sure if there is hope for this unfashionable momma. There must be. I saw "The Devil Wears Prada" and I watch "What Not To Wear". I hope I am not as tacky as those people....hahaha


T.M. said...

You are channeling me again. I have some nice things from a few years ago, but I've gotten fat again so they don't fit. Again.

Mrs. Sofa said...

I am not a fashionable person AT ALL! But my sister is too...funny ;)
I just look in the Target sale add and if it is cheap and fits well, then I'll think about buying it. I am super cheapo about buying ANYTHING for myself!!

L. said...

Well you should let her, Malerie would have fun for sure! I have the opposite problem, I am not super cheap when it comes to shopping. I spend way too much money and have way too many clothes.