About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

His Ways are not my ways

You would think that after over 2 decades of knowing Jesus Christ as my Saviour that I would remember that He does things differently than I would. He delights in taking care of me, loving me, rescuing me, pursuing me, revealing Himself to me. His plans and purposes for me are for my good. I may not understand what they are. I may even walk in the complete opposite direction, convinced that I know better what I need. Sometimes I am driven by my need to be right. Why? Who am I impressing? All God asks of me is to trust Him and have faith in Him. And to be obedient when He does reveal His will for me. I will never know why He chooses to do thing a certain way. Perhaps He is just wanting to stretch my understanding of Him. Or maybe He is wanting to mature me. Or maybe He is protecting me from myself. Last time I checked the way I am doing things isn't working that great. His ways have got to be better. So why not take a chance? All I have to lose is myself and my agenda. Which now that I am thinking about it, isn't that exciting. I want to be great! I want to make a difference! I want to be transformed! I want to change that world around me. I can't do that on my own. I am going to need the help of the Lord. His wisdom, His love, His compassion, His strength, His joy, His peace, His passion, His power.

It is time to die to me and let God raise me up to be who He created me to be 30 years ago. He can do it. He is faithful. I know this to be true!!

1 comment:

Heather Kay said...

Great Post! That verse rocks my world!