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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Brotherly Love

My big boy has been having some issues this week. He woke up Sunday morning with hives all over his little body. Hubby and I kept a close watch on him throughout the day and when they got worse I took him to Urgent Care so a qualified person could take a look. She said that it was an allergic reaction o some kind. He is now on Benadryl and Prednazone. He woke up Monday morning with almost all of them gone and by last night he was all better. Or so we thought. This morning he woke up with them again. Now, what kind of allergic reaction can make hives pop up while taking Benadryl and steroids? I have no idea. He hasn't eaten anything different. We haven't changed detergents or anything. But he has been such a trooper. He doesn't complain or whine. And even though the Benadryl should make him sleepy, it doesn't. But I have a theory......my little guy has been so whiny and tired that I think he may be having some sort of brotherly sympathy syndrome going on. Is that possible? Probably not but I don't know how else to explain the constant drama surrounding my little man. Oh, yeah......maybe the explanantion could be that he is 2.

If they could go for 5 straight minutes without there being a fight between them I might think I had dozed off and was dreaming. Nap time can't come fast enough today. I sure hope they actually go to sleep. Yesterday they both boycotted.


Nancy said...

Nurse Nancy here weighing in...has he stayed cool? Sometimes getting too hot after the onset of the hives can make them flair back up. It can be hard to pinpoint the culprit, but I do pray you find out what's causing it.

Uncommon Blonde said...

Poor little guy! I hope you are able to solve this mystery, I know it must be troubling to see him like that even if he's not complaining

Mrs. Sofa said...

Oh no. Hope he gets better soon.
I can relate to the fighting. Seems like that is what my two do the most...ugh!