About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Sister Is The Bomb!

My awesome sister was kind enough to watch my boys while I went grocery shopping yesterday. It is amazing how much faster you can shop without two little people tagging along.

The hives seem to be gone. (crossed fingers)

Off I go to clean the house. Woohoo!! (completely sarcastic)

Oh, I would like all of the readers ( I think there are like 12 of you, lol) to leave me some tips that you use to clean and organize your homes. I could use all the help I can get.


Mrs. Sofa said...

Peter Walsh's tips were a life saver. After I watched him on Oprah, I stayed up cleaning and organizing everything. My hubby was amazed. I still need a refresher now and then. I know that the older the kids get, the easier it is getting to manage the house.
Bribing the kids to clean their rooms never hurt anyone ;)

Felica Keech-smith said...

Baking soda... cleans good stainless pots (without scratching), black spots around stove burners, etc. like a dream. I keep a decorative container of it by my kitchen sink to sprinkle on anything needed. Oh, and the bonus.. it's REALLY cheap!

I also wanted to thank you for your sweet comments on my blog. I'm glad you like my work, sweetie! It's funny, when your grandmother (my Aunt Eleanor) saw most of my work all she wanted to see were portraits of family, lol. And, obviously, I don't have many of those. But, who knows, maybe I will some day.

Love ya, beautiful!

Aunt Felica (not really your aunt, but, your aunt Cynthia's kids call me that, so I hoped you wouldn't mind)