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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Little Brag Time

Only a week into potty training and I have been blown away by how well my little guy is doing. He has only had a couple of accidents and those were totally my fault.(not pulling the car over fast enough and thinking that a 2 year old knows how to "hold it") He is doing all of his business in the toilet and going in there on his own. He pees and redresses himself and washes his hands all on his own. The only time he wants my help is when he goes #2. I cannot tell you how relieved I have been. Praise the Lord!!! My oldest, Reid has been such a huge help. Pierce wants so badly to be like his big brother that Reid has been encouraging him to success.

I know that potty habits are not real riveting blog material but this is my life right now.

Okay, on another note. I have a beef. And since this is my blog I thought that I would vent a little bit.

Everyone knows that school has started. Yippee! or BooHoo! depending on who you talk to.

Our oldest son, Reid is 4. He will turn 5 in December. And everyone keeps asking me if he is going to 4-K. I know people are just curious and that is fine. What is aggrivating me is the response I am getting when I tell them "no". Last time I checked the law requires that children begin attending school at the age of 5, not 4, not 3. If parents want to send their kids to school before they are 5 then more power to you. But please don't try to guilt me or give me the "Top Ten" list of why I should do it too. I am an intelligent person. I know and understand the pros and cons of such a decision. My husband and I have decided to send our boys to school starting at 5-K. It is our choice to keep them home until that time. Are our children going to suffer because they missed one year of preschool? I don't think so. He already knows his alphabet, his shapes, colors, numbers, he writes everyone in his familys' names. He loves to be around other people and is comfortable is social situations.
I have no doubt that he will do more than fine when he goes to 5-K next year. I am taking advantage of the little time I have with my children before they are in the care of some other person for the majority of the day. I love my kids, I love spending time with them, I have the priviledge of being home with them and I am going to take advantage of every minute. If other people make a different decision for their family, that is their decision. I won't try to make you feel guilty for doing it different. So please give me the same respect. Thank you very much.

*disclaimer- this is not to any particular person, just my sentiments on a touchy subject for me right now.


Nancy said...

Congrats to Pierce on his successful potty training...it is a big deal especially when you know how much they're saving you on diapers/pull ups, laundry, etc. They feel so big as well!!
I love your decision to keep him home. Personally feel that 4K was a glorified name for head start ;) Granted there are plenty of kids that need some help prior to entering 5K and I doubt Reid is one of them since he has such a brianiac Momma. You go girl, and I was tickled that Dawson was home w/his Momma one more year too. Keep up the good work at raising two wonderful guys!!!

Uncommon Blonde said...

I hear you on this! People keep asking me if I am breastfeeding and although I am, I'd love to hear what they would say if Isaid no. Gotta love unsolicited advice ...

T.M. said...

You know how I feel about unsolicited advice. ;)

Yay for Pierce! I have faith that Eric will change his mind soon since he's only 5 months younger.

KT said...

You tell em'!

Learning 4 Life said...

You're exactly right! You will hear many, many, many opinions on how you should raise your kids and what you should be doing. BUT God made YOU their parents and you and the hubby should decide what is right for your children not anybody else. I completely understand the venting. I hear all kinds of comments when I tell people I homeschool. Bottom line... it's what's best for your family and no one else's :)

And congrats on the potty thing... what a relief (pun intended!)

Mrs. Sofa said...

glad you addressed this issue :)
I am finally getting comfortable with the decision I made to keep Daws home one more year. Seemed like most people I talked to about the VPK thing made me think I would be holding him back and he would be behind in 5K if I didn't enroll him in a program.
Every time I asked him if he wanted to go to school or stay home with me, he would always want to stay home with me.
I just wish we had a few, just a few, great schools to choose from, but that is definitely not the case :(