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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Friday, August 14, 2009

I Think I Am SOOOOO Over

being a grown up........lol

The responsibility, the planning, the organizing, trying not to worry all the time.

I think today I would like to take a vacation back to when I was 8 years old. Spend the day running in the grass through the sprinkler, knowing that my mom would wash my clothes, make sure I had a bath. She would cook dinner with all of the food she shopped for. Not having to worry if she went over budget on grocery day. Just knowing that it was taken care of.

Spend the day dressing up my awesome Barbies in all of their stylish clothes. Styling their hair. Re-naming them every time they changed outfits. I was much more sytlish back then.....lol

Spend the day with my brother and sisters, playing in the yard and then running inside to get a drink of water, while mom repeatedly told us to close the door, close the door, close the door. Not having to worry why she wanted that door closed. Not knowing that every second it was open meant the utility bill got higher.

Spend the day reading in a window seat, engrossed in "The Secret Garden". Knowing that I did not have to worry about anything except if I had finished my homework or not.

I thank my parents that they let me enjoy the innocence of my youth. That they allowed me to truly experience what it means to be a child and not having to worry about the "every days" of life.

So today I decide to embrace my youth and cast all of cares onto my Father God and let Him work out the details of my life. I will be responsible and do what I need to do but will not let the details drag me down. God has a plan for me. He will work it out in my favor. Resting in His hands is even better than all of my care-free days of my youth.


babychick said...

I feel the same way today!

T.M. said...

Sounds like a fabulous plan!

Shell said...

Well said!!
I like it!!

Mrs. Sofa said...

the carefree days...can we go back just for a moment.