About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Another Week to Go.....

Rehearsals this week have been interesting. Anytime you try to organize a group of children that range in age from 5 to 12 and keep them on track is an adventure. But despite moments of sheer exasperation it is going well. Now if I can just get these props painted and put together I will be feeling a good bit better. I am not an artistic person so this part is challenging me but I know that it will turn out. And the fact that I have difficulty asking for help is probably biting me in the you know where. Thank you to all of you for the continued prayers and encouraging words. They mean alot.

Anyone else watching American Idol? I am completely addicted. And I was sooooo happy that Jason went home tonight. Everytime I saw him I seriously wanted to throw something at the TV. I don't know why but he annoys me with his cocky, "I think I am such a better singer than I actually am" attitude. So Bon Voyage Jason. Now I just wish he had taken whiny Luke with him. Well, maybe next week. And I am still totally perplexed about the rocker Amanda. Obviously I am hearing something different than everyone else. Don't know what the rage is........

It is time for me to go to bed but I am kind of wired. And until this moment I was unsure why. Well, it just hit me that I drank 3 glasses of tea this evening. That is about 2 more than normal. And we usually drink de-caff tea because I am very sensitive to caffeine. But my husband bought regular when he went to the grocery store this week. So I am flying from the tea and the Hershey chocolate bar I ate after dinner. Now to all of you coffee drinkers out there this may seem silly but for me this is a big deal. Truthfully, I may be up for hours now. I normally don't drink or eat anything with caffeine after about 5:00 because it keeps me up. I wonder if there is anything constructive to do without waking my kids or hubby in our little house........ I will let you know if I find anything.


T.M. said...

I am the same way with caffeine. Agreed that Luke should have gone home. I like Ramielle and Brooke. I love crafty stuff, if I was there I'd help you with the props. :)

crazymommyofthree said...

If your still working on the props on Sunday let me know!! I could probably get someone to watch the kids and come and "help" you, although it may be just the opposite and I will "help" screw things up and the audiance can come up with a game called "Exactly What Prop Is That?"....lol!!! :P