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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Monday, October 13, 2008

What causes it?

Okay, so I know that some of you out there are control freaks like me but some of you aren't. I have a question that needs answering. Here goes.....

My hubby gets up EARLY every day of the week to go to work. He likes to get to work before everyone else. (BTW, please keep praying about the job thing, we are still looking and trusting the Lord) Anyway, Sunday is my favorite day. We get to go to church as a family and then we spend the day together. However, when it comes to getting to church on time, we don't. Those of you who know me also know that I cannot stand to be late, ever. I love praise and worship and lately we have been missing it because of our tardiness. I have tried explaining this to the hubby but it just isn't getting through. I mean we have been married 8 years. So, my question is this. For those of you that are chronically tardy, is there anything anyone could do or say that would make you try harder? OR is it hopeless? And what causes someone to be late even when they have plenty of time to get ready and they know how it frustrates everyone else? Am I alone in this or does this drive anyone else batty?


KT said...

We are late EVERY Sunday!!! I can't explain it either! DRIVES ME NUTS!

T.M. said...

It happens to us too. Part of what I have figure out (because I'm hardly ever late when it's just me and the kids) is that I EXPECT him to be doing this or that and when I doesn't, it doesn't get done. Does that make sense? Like... I thought he would iron the clothes but he was watching tv or I thought he would get one kid dressed while I did the other.

Uncommon Blonde said...

I have no idea what causes it but it drives me crazy as well!

Anonymous said...

people make time for what is most important. If their boss asked them to be at work 8am and they are at 8am, and church starts at 9am and they don't get there until 9:30am, I would say serving their boss is a higher priority than serving God. Sometimes I feel you can truly see what is in a man's heart when money is attached. I hate to say it but if God gave away paychecks at 8am on sunday mornings for being a christian, no-one would be late. Don't let money become your God, sometimes God will take it away just for you to see who you serve.

Aelon said...

This is completely random and has nothing to do with your post, but I was talking to my daddy and he said to tell your hubby to apply with the City of Thomasville. He said they have and use heavy equipment and have good benefits(he works for them also). He said he could talk to a friend and find out more...just wanted to let you know:)