About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just some random stuff

I don't have anything to really write about so I thought I would throw out some random stuff.

Spontaneous Human Combustion - Everytime a show having to do with it comes on, I have to watch it. I am truly intrigued about it. So many opinions about whether or not it could actually happen. The truth is that people still don't know what causes it or if it actually happens. My thoughts...if you see me start sparking, please let me know.

I was watching "the Duggars" the other night. You knoe, the family that has 17 kids and one more on the way. Anyway, they make their own laundry soap. So I looked it up on the net. Apparently you can make your own for pennies on the dollar. It breaks down to less than a penny a load. I am seriously thinking about trying this. Anyone else ever done it?

Those green veggie/fruit bags. Supposedly they give your food a longer shelf life. Anyone ever tried those? Do they work? I get tired of buying food and then it going bad before we can eat it all. Such a waste of money.

North Florida/South Georgia weather.......crazy.

My nephew Bryten is so sweet. He is getting bigger and bigger everyday. And he has such a sweet disposition. A true little blessing.

My sister in law is being induced on the 4th of November. Can't wait to meet little Isaak.

HUbby and I are stil praying about the job thing. God has provided in the meantime. He always does. God is good!!

My boys are making my life so full these days. They are like constant kinetic energy. But I love it!!!

Well, sorry if this was the most boring post in the history of blogdome. Gonna go make some Rice Krispy Treats with the boys.


T.M. said...

I heard that the green bags are pretty much useless.
I've been watching the Duggars as well. They fascinate me.

Uncommon Blonde said...

I saw that soap episode but it looked like it took a lot of effort and I don't have a minute to spare at the moment. If you try it and it's good then maybe I'll follow suite :)

Shell said...

The green bags do seem to extend the life of the food.

And the soap thing sound great.

I wish we were all closer so we could "split" the trial batch.