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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Some inventions

The last few days I have been thinking about some of these AWESOME inventions that would make our lives so much easier but will NEVER happen for obvious reasons.

1. Kid Coat Rack - Every store, especially grocery stores, should have a kid coat rack that you can hang your kids on when you enter. Then you would be free to shop at leisure, with peace and quiet. Then, after you check out and load up your car, you take the kids off the rack and go about your business.

2. Electronic Behavior Modification - I came up with this one while I was teaching. Basically, you put a small electrode under your childrens seat, then whenever they are disobedient or down-right "mushnugina" you hit the button and gently remind them that unbecoming behaviour leads to undesirable consequences. Hey, it worked with Pavlov and his dogs, why not kids?

3. Anyone remember the Jetsons? What was the name of the robot that cooked, cleaned, took care of the kids, etc.? Where can I get one? You wouldn't have to pay a robot.....

So, that was just a few. And yes, I am totally kidding. Those of you with kids old enough, totally understand. The rest of you......just wait. I might be reading about one of your inventions soon.


Uncommon Blonde said...

at least you still have a sense of humor. I love the kid coat rack! And the phrase "unbecoming behaviour leads to undesirable consequences" is totally something I would say

KT said...

U should get a patent out on these before you see them out for sale!