About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Piece of The Puzzle

My hubby called me yesterday morning with so much excitement. I thought he had gotten an awesome job offer or something similar. But when he began to tell me about what had happened, I was so excited too. Since losing his job he has been working temporarily for his former employer, Terry. He is in hog heaven since he getting to pick cotton, peanuts and drive really big tractors and pickers. So for the last week he has been picking cotton with Terrys' brother Mike. Hubby is not a huge talker but he felt led yesterday morning to talk to Mike about the Lord. Mike told hubby that he believed that there was a God. But when hubby asked him if he had ever been saved, he said "no". So hubby told him about the difference and then asked him if he wanted to be saved and invite Jesus into his heart and life. Mike began to cry and said "yes". So hubby prayed with him and Mike became a Christian. When hubby called me he was beside himself. So excited and thankful to the Lord. Hubby also told me that he feels that he is supposed to talk to the rest of the family about the Lord. Honestly, I am in awe of what the Lord is doing in my husband. He told me that "someone needs to reach these farmers, I know so many of them".

And the part that is so cool is that if Trey had not lost his job, he wouldn't have been up there working at all. God has continued to provide for our needs. His faithfulness is overwhelming. Hubby and I are at a new place in our lives, our marriage and in our walk with the Lord. I am excited about what God is doing. I am looking forward to seeing what else unfolds. God is teaching us that while He loves us so much, His greatest desire is that we allow Him to work through us to fulfill His purpose.

Please pray for Mike as he begins his Christian walk. He is 54 years old and married. Please pray that his life will be a witness to his family and friends. Also please continue to pray for Trey as well. And the whole family. Thank you so much for all of the prayers already.

Having something like this happen really does put things into a completely differet perspective. God is so good!!!


KT said...

My eyes are filling up with tears! What a blessed woman you are to have such a strong man in your life!
What a PRAISE :)

Uncommon Blonde said...

What an amazing testimony. The message at church yesterday was on storms and how they are meant to bring us into closer fellowship with God - what a perfect example!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! God is so faithful!!