About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Monday, February 4, 2013

What's up?

So what is going on in our little corner of the world? Well, I thought you would never ask.....its time for an update!

We love being back in the South! Driving around the last week and seeing all the Japanese Magnolias (Tulip trees) blooming is a HUGE confirmation that we are right where we are supposed to be.

We had the joy of moving back into our house when we came back and I am so very thankful for that blessing! This is the house where we became a family. We love being in the country. The boys have room to run and play and enjoy being boys. We have the freedom to dig massive holes and make huge mud pits. We can walk around the pond and observe the various wildlife. We can ride our bikes to the post office to get the mail. The boys get to wave at neighbors and have them honk in return. Many tractors drive by our house and thrill my sweet boys. They know exactly what they are and what each of them does. They can describe it to you in detail.

We love our church and are so happy to be a part of such a wonderful body of believers! We are loving having a place to learn, fellowship and serve. We didn't know it but they all knew we were coming back....apparently they all talked about it while we were away and they knew before we knew. What a wonderful family!!

We are in our third year of homeschooling and loving it! We still have days when I think it would be so much easier to put the boys on the bus that drives by our house and take a day off, but there are many more in which I wake with a heart full of thanks and praise that we get to spend these days together, learning from each other. What a blessing!! We have met some wonderful homeschool families and are so grateful for new friends that understand our joys and struggles. It also gives the boys some time with friends. Just last week our oldest son, who is 8, and his friend decided to dig a fire pit. They worked so hard digging the hole and lifting and putting the blocks into place. It looked so wonderful and worked even better. So proud of them and so blessed that we had that experience together.

Continually amazed at the grace and joys that God allows me to experience.
Every day is a new day, another chance to live this life with purpose, to choose to look at the positive, to take action that makes a difference in the lives around me. So thankful that He loves me so much that He continues to speak to me and is constantly shaping me into someone more like Him.

So blessed~~

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