About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Lead Me

Just had to seperate the two boys because they are annoying each other and by default annoying their mother. Think I have heard more whining this morning than you might hear on an epidode of The Nanny.

Anyway I thought I might take this moment to put down some thoughts.

I had to go to the store on Sunday to pick up some things and our oldest son decided he wanted to ride along. So it was just the two of us for almost an hour. That doesn't happen as often as it should. It was such a sweet time and I realized how grown up he is getting. He was talking about politics, family issues, church, how much He loves the Lord and so many other things. He has such a sweet spirit and is always thinking of others. But what surprised me was when we were in the middle of a conversation about the difference in a Republic, Democracy, Monarchy and Socialist state. He had quite the opinion. But what I will always remember was when he grabbed my hand and said "Mom I am so glad that I have parents that teach me what is right and about how God feels about things." It made me cry. Because as a mother I struggle with feeling like I don't do enough. I haven't taught them enough, we haven't done enough "cool" things, I haven't spent enough time. And I am sure that there are many areas in my life that need improvement but let me tell you....that simple statement out of the mouth of my 8 year old was all I needed to hear. Because at the end of my time with them what will matter most is what do they know of God, do they have a Biblical worldview, do they strive to be honorable, honest, hard working men that desire to please the Lord above all else. I know we will fail many times on the journey but I feel that we are on the right path. He understands that knowing God and His character and following His Word is important and relevant to his daily life. I still want him to know how different people in the world live and how we differ from others but I want to major on how we are similar, to know that God created us all and more importantly, loves us all. I want him to pray for others instead of talking about how we are different or how they need to change. I want him to allow God to change him from the inside out and allow God to use him to initiate change in our world.  Children come into this world with arms wide open, instinct is to love without qualification. I don't want him to grow up and learn hate, prejudice, intolerance and a disregard for God's Word. Instead I want him to know the Word of God and live it daily with conviction, knowing that there is a difference in hating sin and hating a sinner. We are all sinners that deserve death. I want him to remember how God extended grace, mercy and salvation to him and be eager to tell others about the saving grace of Jesus. I want him to bring people to Jesus with his love, not his judgement. I do not want him to tolerate sin but I do want him to learn to love in spite of sin and to let the Holy Spirit do His job. So to teach this I must be willing to walk in it as well. Because my children will become what they see everyday. So today I am challenging myself to BE the person I want them to become.

The time slips by quickly and each day I have a chance to impart knowledge that has the potential to shape who they will become. Wow! What a responsibilty and priviledge. Dear Lord, lead me so I can lead them.

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