About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


When we started on this journey of homeschooling I had one BIG thing that gave me pause. Teaching them to read. I am an avid reader and enjoy it so much that if I had my choice I would just read all day long. However my husband did not have such a blissful introduction into the world of letters, phonics, words and literature and still does not enjoy reading. So when I began thinking about taking on the challenge of starting our sons down the road of literary discovery I started to freak out a bit. My answer with our oldest son was to send him to half day kindergarten and let someone else start the process. And by the time we brought him home a semester later he was already reading well. So I dodged that bullet. But this year we began Kindergarten with our youngest. Just to give some history on him.....he did not have any interest at all in letters, sounds, words and when I would try to drill his ABS's with him he would stare at me and either say "I don't know", "I don't care" or just randomly guess. NOT a great start for this phonetically gun-shy momma. But to my amazement he slowly began picking up letter sounds, learning how to write them correctly, recognizing them on site and then we began the process of putting it all together. Now I will not lie and say that it has been wonderful and easy but I can tell you today that he is reading!!! And reading well!!! He is actually enjoying it. If he has free time he loves to choose a book and pick out words. WHEW!!! So just writing this to say that no matter what your fear, hesitation or challenge is today, keep at it, keep trusting and don't give up! It will happen!!! And when it does you will be so glad that you didn't throw in the towel.

So, to myself and everyone else I say "Good job!"

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