About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Is anyone else cold?

Well, this weather is about to drive me crazy. I am not a huge fan of "freezing" temperatures but I think they would be more tolerable if they were not sandwiched between days and weeks of "hot" temperatures. I mean, you get comfortable with the cool days and then it gets hot. So you go from running the heater and humidifiers to running the A/C. Then just as you break out the flip-flops again it drops to 20 degrees. What gives? Oh well.......at least I don't have to wade through stacks of snow everytime I need to go somewhere. For that I am grateful.

An update..... I am still loving the new guitar. It is amazing how enjoyable playing is. I only know 8 cords but I am learing. I am also enjoying my new camera.

My two little guys are doing better. Thy have had colds for what seems like forever. They both had well-check up appointments yesterday. Everything checked out fine. The oldest is still rebelling with the "poopy time". So we are dealing with constipation problems. Yippee! But it will get better soon. The littlest one is in to EVERYTHING!!! Somehow he finds his way into just about everything. He gets into things that the oldest one never even touched. But at least he is more pleasant these days. I was really worried about his disposition during the first 9 months of his life. He was just awnry and screamed alot. No fun for the rest of us. But since he is walking and able to get where he wants he has just gotten to be so much fun.

Well, my sister is going to have a baby. I am so excited!!!!! I am going to be an aunt. I am having to fight my nature. I am a peron that wants to tell you how to do everything and usually think my way is the best way. I know, I know, your shocked right? Anyway, I am trying to let her experience this without a constant commentary from me. I figure if she wants advice she will ask but it is still hard to not overload her with my own opinions. So we will see how that goes.

The church search is going well. I think we may have decided on one. The hubby and I both like it. And the kids love going. We are both really enjoying the sermons. The Word of God is definitley preached (is that the way you say it?). And I like the music alot. So that is good too. And I thought I would miss our old church more than I do. But I don't, at all. But I guess the Lord has released us from there. Time to move on. I know that God has new plans for us. So it is time to "trust in Him and not lean on our own understanding".

Well, I guess I have rambled on enough today. Have a good day!!!


T.M. said...

OH wow, I am so excited about the new baby! I wonder if I'll ever been an aunt? LOL
My kids have been sick too and it's driving me crazy because I can't take advantage of the few hours of childcare we get while they're sick. I really don't understand where they're picking up so many colds.

Anonymous said...

Me again... if it makes you feel any better our high tomorrow is 15!!!

Mrs. Sofa said...

I know we have no room to complain about the cold weather, but the kids and I are getting cabin fever!
Yay for Mal! It IS hard to resist giving baby advice...it just comes out without us even knowing it :)

Uncommon Blonde said...

Yeah for (other people) having babies!! I'm with you on the weather thing, although we don't get nearly the degree of change down here. It's usually just hot or less hot ...

Anonymous said...

i am so glad that you guys found a church you enjoy so much, that is so important!
tell your sister i said congrats!!! how far along is she?