About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm an auntie again!

Hello all! This past week has been a flurry of activity around here. My sister (the coolest woman I know) gave birth to her second little boy, my third nephew. I had the honor of watching her oldest son while she went to the doctor and before she was admitted to the hospital. My awesome mother in law came up and watched her little boy and my two sons so I could be there when the sweetest angel was born.

Little Rylend is perfect in every way. He is sooooooo precious and adorable. He and his mommy are both doing great. I would post a pic but I have a HUGE pet peeve about people posting other peoples news and pics before they do. I just feel that there are so few moments in our lives that are truly so special and precious that it is just sooo rude to swoop in and steal the thunder. So whenever his mommy decides to post pics I will put some up. It is her news to share and I will leave it up to her to do it.

Speaking of rude people....I went to a wedding last month and there were people that posted pics of the bride, groom, bridal party and everything before the newlyweds even got to leave the church. Hello!!! It is their day, can you just not try to make it all about you? Just saying.

My oldest has been on fall break for the last 6 days (yes, he has been counting every one). He was so excited about being out of school but today he informed me that he couldn't wait to go back to school in the morning because being at home is SO boring. He even reminded me that he needed to go to bed earlier because he had to get up early. Hilarious!! He is alot like me as a child. I loved school and while I enjoyed being home with the family I would have rather been at school. He is learning phonics and sight words and loves to get books and try to pick them out. He will be reading in no time. I can't wait! Reading is probably my favorite past time in the entire universe and I think he will enjoy it as well.

My littlest man is so funny. One minute he is Mister Independent and the next he is telling me that he is not a big boy and wants to lay in my lap and be sung to. I love that they are so unique and different and yet so complimentary in their personalities. And they love each other so much. I love to hear them giggle and laugh and wrestle. Such little boys!!! I can't believe they are going to be 6 & 4 in a couple months. They decided they want to celebrate their birthdays together with just one party. Score for mom!! That means less planning for me. Because lets face it I am not one that enjoys planning and executing anything. Especially parties. There are people who are so gifted in that area, I just don't happen to be one of them. But that is alright. I have a mom and a mother in law that love to plan stuff. Perhaps I will let them help.

I still have not been disciplined enough to try the couponing again. I need to be doing it, desperately need to be saving money while providing nourishment and neccesities for my family but just haven't known where to begin. The bottom line is that I am really terrible with follow through. I am realizing it more and more. Do they have a support group for that type of thing? Perhaps PA (procrastinators anonymous) or LB (lazy bums)? Maybe I should start one......or maybe not.

I have been in a funk here lately. Can't really pinpoint a particular reason (I guess I could just choose from the 87 that are spinning through my head) but I would really like to get out of the funk. I guess I need to just put on my big girl panties and deal with stuff. That is never fun. But I guess NOT being a funk for the rest of my life should be motivation enough to get on with it. Sorry if that was cryptic and incoherent.....

I have been trying to think of things to blog. If I think if any I will post them.

1 comment:

Uncommon Blonde said...

Congratulations to all! Babies are very exciting and I totally agree with you about posting pictures - I had rules about FB when Addison was born. No one was allowed to post pics without my approval for the first couple of days :) Lots of little boys in your family!

I hope the funk lifts soon, I'm right there with you and I am ready to feel like myself again!