About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Season

This morning the boys and I made sugar cookies. We had alot of fun. Some of the cookies have no recognizable shape but they taste just as good as the pretty ones.

I got the house decorated last week. The boys helped a great deal. Every time I turn around the ornaments have been rearranged. And they think ALL of the christmas lights should be turned all the time. But I am excited to be able to share this time with them . They are getting old enough to know what it is all about. Their granny bought them a great book. "God Gave Us Christmas" by Lisa Tawn Bergen and David Hohn. It is a wonderful story about a little polar bear that asks why we have Christmas. If you have children this is a "must-have" for your library and to read at Christmas and even through-out the year. The same authors have written "God Gave Us You", "God Gave Us Two", and "God Gave Us Heaven". Just a little sharing for you.

My youngest has been nicknamed "El Destructo" for obvious reasons. He is into EVERYTHING and loves to demolish anything he gets his hands on. I hope that it will get better as he learns how to put things together instead. Sometimes I feel that he is 2 or 3 kids all the same time. He is lightning fast and almost like Gumby when it comes to flexibility. Holding onto him is a challenge at times. But he is so sweet at other times that you just want to scoop him up and kiss him until you can't kiss him anymore. The older he gets the more like his daddy he becomes. They are truly kindred spirits. I anticipate alot of head butting in the future. ;)

The oldest is like me in so many ways. He loves people, all people. He LOVES talking all the time. Some days it seems that he never stops to even breathe. I have never seen a child, much less a man-child talk so much. Honestly I don't know if I have ever met anyone that talks that much. He loves books and puzzles. He and I have a bond when it comes to those things. But he is like his daddy when it comes to trucks, cars, tractors, trains, etc. He knows the correct name for just about any piece of machinery that he sees. And he loves telling the correct name to his little brother who insists on calling everything either a bulldoo (bulldozer) or combine. He loves all sports and plans on playing all of them if you ask him about it. He is great at them too. He loves to play pretend and this week has been pretending that he is talking to his girlfriend Sophia (little girl from church) on the phone. Never a dull moment around here.

We celebrated both of their birthdays last Saturday. The youngest turned 2 on the 4th and the oldest will be 4 on the 29th but we decided to combine birthdays since Christmas is this month too. Still not sure what the hubby and I were thinking. Two birthdays and Christmas all in the same month is crazy.

It has taken me all morning to write this blog which is proof that you don't have to be the mother of a newborn to have a crazy life. Although I am glad that both of mine are good sleepers and can now feed themselves. But to all of the new mommas out there, hang in there. It gets better and better all the time. In every way imaginable. Merry Christmas to everyone!!

1 comment:

Uncommon Blonde said...

Glad the boys are doing well and enjoying the season! Hope things slow down enough for you to relax a little bit but it doesn't sound likely :)