About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Friday, December 12, 2008

I Should Be In Bed

Well, it is late....at least for me. And I should be in bed. I know I should, but my mind is a whirlpool of various thoughts and stuff. Can't seem to get it to calm down. Don't really have anything to write about so I decided to get on-line and read all of my favorite blogs. So here is a blog about what I like about all of of my blog buddies.

Joy Unspeakable - This is my sis-in-law, Christy. She is the amazing woman that my brother somehow miraculously found and conned into marrying him. LOL Seriously, I love her tenderness and her loving heart. I like that she is real and just puts it out there. I wish I was more like that. I have seen her grow over the past 4 years. She is a wonderful wife and mother, sister, daughter and servant of the Lord. I enjoy reading her blog when she is sharing new revelation that the Lord has shown her. She is an encouragement and I am blessed to call her my "sister".

Isaak - This is a blog devoted entirely to my newest nephew. By the way.....this would also be the son of my brother and sister in law. He is so sweet already and I love reading all of the updates since I am not there to see all of it with my own eyes. What a tremendous blessing!!

Mommy Needs A Time Out - My buddy Tara from high school. Whoa....that was over a decade ago. It is the life and times of a family that is doing the bravest thing on the planet. He is active duty military that has been away from home most of their marriage. The sacrifice that he and his wife and children make on a daily basis completely blows my mind. Thankfully he is home now and they are enjoying being together as a family. Sometimes my insides just ache as I read her blog because I cannot even begin to understand how she feels and more importantly how she does what she does. She is an amazing woman and I am honored to call her my friend.

UnCommon Blonde - Also a high school buddy. I will not divulge her name since she enjoys a certain amount of anonymity. If I was completely honest I would have to admit that while I always thought she was a wonderful person I did not realize that she possessed such a wicked wit and awesome sense of humor. The mix of ettiquette, fashion, society, and all things lady-like make her blog a must read. I love her anecdotes and stories of Crazy Betty. And you can't forget the pictures. What great pics. So to Uncommon Blonde.....keep doing what your doing. Your an awesome gal and I love reading about your life, or at least your take on it.

Well, I am finally getting a little bleary eyed. So I will leave my other favorite blogs for another blog. There are quite a few. Good Night All!!


Uncommon Blonde said...

You are so kind with your words. I should also be in bed right now but I'm reading blogs:) I like all of the blogs you listed and I'm glad you like mine - it's a good outlet and there's plenty more fun to come in the next few months, trust me.

T.M. said...

Thank you! You are the sweetest. I always read your blog even when I don't comment. Just got back from a much needed weekend away with the kids.

Learning 4 Life said...

Hey Girl! I had no idea you had a blog! Now I have another one to get addicted to :) Thanks for the suggestion about the strep throat. Our doctor did tell us one of us is probably a carrier, but I didn't know we could be tested for it! Hope you are doing well.