About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Victory Weekend

Well, it seems that I have neglected my blogging duties long enough. I just wanted to rave about the wonderful weekend that my husband and I shared this past weekend. We went together to Victory Weekend at our church. It was such a wonderful time of learning, sharing, praying and overcoming. The Lord is marvelous and I thank Him for the opportunity that the hubby and I shared. I was so thrilled that my hubby wanted to go and that we were able to go together. I know that most of you do not know him but as a general rule he avoids groups of people. I have seen the Lord working in him, and me and in our marriage. I feel like a newlywed again. So Hallelujah!!!

I am anticipating being an aunt twice over before Christmas. My sister is due in August and my sister-in-law is due in November. I am so excited!!!! I just wish that we all lived closer so we could do the baby shopping and stuff together. My sister is expecting a little boy but we don't know what my brother and his wife are having. I will be thrilled with either but I am jonesing to buy some frilly dresses with matching headbands and lacy socks. I didn't get to buy anything like that for my own kids, being that they are boys.

I am so proud of both sets of soon-to-be-parents. I know that they will be excellent parents. I have teased my brother about being the only guy in a house full of girls for years. But he is the kind of guy that would be a wonderful daddy to little girls or to rowdy boys. Same goes for the brother-in-law. I just can't wait until Christmas this year with 4 little ones. God is GREAT!!!

1 comment:

Aelon said...

It seems like the year of boys. Everyone I know pregnant is having boys...they do rock though:)