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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Vent Session

Today I will be listing some things that are annoying me and I need to get off my chest.

1. Walmart....why oh why did you decide to make your grocery bags even thinner and more useless?? They are officially good for NOTHING! I don't think you are saving money if your cashiers are having to double bag for cereal boxes. And that is if you happen to get in line with a cashier that actually cares. Most of them will put 15 pounds of canned goods in one bag and then tell you that if you want, you can double bag it yourself. Ugh!!

2. I had forgotten how much I really do not enjoy dirty diapers. I still do not like them. And my boys and the little man I watch have radar when it comes to me sitting down to eat. I either have to run and help my littlest man in the potty or change a stinky diaper. I have even attempted to switch up when I eat. It has not mattered at all. The radar goes off and I have poop to deal with. Yuck!!

3. Laundry is a chore that I don't really mind doing. But I have noticed a new phenomenon. There are 4 people in my house and somehow I end up with more loads than that a day. How???? I try to do laundry every day and keep it all done but it is getting harder and harder. Maybe it is the fact that the boys clothes are getting bigger in proportions to their growing bodies.

4. Patience is not an area of life that I seem to have mastered. I am constantly being given opportunities to grow in that area, daily, hourly and sometimes by the minute.

5. I am upset at our Electric Company today. I feel like they are trying to bully me and while I am usually confident in most things to fight back, this is something I am pretty much ignorant about. I need help!

6. I am feeling compelled to clean out my house. It is becoming a driving need. Perhaps it is spring cleaning a few months early. However all the responsibilies I have right now are frustrating that plan. I want to move everything in my house but it just isn't going to happen this week.

7. I need a haircut!! My hair is starting to resemble a hippie that stuck a finger in an elctrical socket. But I am not sure about trusting my hair to just anybody. The last haircut I got lasted several hours and they only did the front half of my hair. The back is still damaged and full of split ends. I told them what I wanted and they completely ignored my requests. I have ALOT of hair. It is very thick and heavy and not just anybody can cut it. I guess the problem is that I haven't found ANYONE that can. At least not to my satisfaction. So in the meantime I am walking around with a haircut that makes me look older and not feel as attractive as I would like. I guess I need to get brave and give someone a chance.

8. I am a huge fan of the Shark Steam Mop. I received my 2nd one for Christmas. I love it!!! It makes my least favorite household chore at least tolerable. They have new mopheads that fit into tighter spaces, especially in the bathroom. Then I saw on their new infomercial (hey don't judge) that they combined their vacuum and their mop into one machine. Say what???? Always something else. I am determined to enjoy my new mop, even if it doesn't vacuum up dirt.

9. Whining is quite possibly the most annoying sound in the world. You know what I am talking about, right???

10. I will end on a positive note. It is beautiful outside today! So my little whiners have been banished to the yard while I tackle the mountain of laundry, while pushing my hair out of my face and have a date with my steam mop, while occasionally stopping to change a diaper or wipe a hiney. Then I will have to find a non-Walmart bag to put the diaper in. I will refrain from calling the Electric company to vent my frustrations and try to come up with a solution. Anyone know a free Electrician?

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Celia said...
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