About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Some Randomness This Monday

I have a few potential blog posts rattling around in the ole noggin but they all seemed a bit serious for today. So I thought I would post some random goings on from around here. (yes, I realize that I completely butchered the English language and I don't care....just the odd ball mood I am in today)

1. My younger little man is having a harder time adjusting to Big man going to school than his brother is. He is missing him so much. It makes my heart smile when I see how excited they are to see each other after school.

2. There is nothing in the world more precious than to hear your children pray and sing songs to our Heavenly Father. My two sweet boys have had me in tears for days. They sing and approach God with such sincerity and silliness all at the same time. I pray that they stay that way and don't allow us grown ups teach to them to not do it that way. If only we could once again approach God without all the junk.

3. My two little boys laughing at each other is my favorite sound in the world.

4. My hubby's birthday is today. I would write a huge paragraph to him but he does not read my blog. He doesn't "get it" ;)

5. I am in the middle of cleaning out stuff from our house. The boys and their stuff keeps getting bigger and it is making my home feel smaller. By the time they graduate I will be a minimalist I think.

6. Rubbing alcohol gets stains out of furniture. Who knew? My sis told me this tip.

7. I haven't had pizza in a few weeks. Beginning to get the shakes. Must have Mellow Mushroom or Red Elephant soon.....very soon. (must find some $ to get to eat pizza)

8. Oh, how I miss DVR......yes, I am that superficial.

9. It disturbs me when people pass up dessert. What is that about? Are they genuinely not interested? Are they dieting and want everyone else to know? Are they trying to prove something but showing me that they don't "need" dessert? I mean, I don't need it either, I just want it really bad. And I hate that it is bad manners to ask for their portion if they aren't going to eat it. What a waste!

10. This week I love Ginger Ale.

11. They should change the motto of Publix to "Publix, a happy place".

12. Still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.

13. Hubby & I are stepping out to lead the 20's group at church. It is going to be stretching us and we are not sure what is going to come of it. But we do have peace and know that God would not have asked us to do this if He didn't have a plan for our growth and for our good. It is kinda depressing that I am old enough to be leading this group. They picked us because we were out of our 20's but still "young" enough to relate. Should be an adventure.

14. Needing an accountablity partner.

15. My hubby and my two boys bring me so much joy. I am overwhelmed with how blessed I am. I may not be able to see down the road of our lives but right now I am loving our life and know that God has good things in store.

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