About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Just Some Randomness

Staying up late does not agree with me anymore. What happened to the days of my youth when I could stay up late, get up early the next morning for work or school and never feel that I would fall down from exhaustion? They are long gone, I am afraid. The worst part is that I was not staying up to be productive or to do something cool. I was simply wired and could not fall asleep so I ended up sitting on the couch watching HGTV until after 1:00am. I was tempted to start a book but I knew that I wouldn't sleep at all if I did. I have a tendency to stay up way too late reading as well.

I was reading another blog this morning and she was talking about roller skating. And it made me think about going skating and it occurred to me that it has been over a decade since I went roller skating. How could I possibly be that old? Which brings me to the next random thought. I went bowling with my cousins while in Oklahoma a couple months back. We went twice. The first time my cousin (20 years old) was talking about how bowling should not be considered a sport since you could not injure yourself or even work up a sweat. We all laughed and I proceeded to beat the record for the lowest bowling score in the history of the world. A few days later we went back with all the cousins and their girlfriends. I stepped up to bowl the first frame and while flinging the ball down the lane I managed to pull something in my gludius maximus....yes, my butt. I couldn't even walk it hurt so bad. Everyone got a kick out watching me hobble and stand completely motionless while throwing the ball down the lane. My smart mouth cousin then reminded me that I must be old and completely out of shape because bowling wasn't even a sport. Somehow I had injured myself and had worked up a sweat (from embarressment). But the victory was mine because I had the highest score that night and I spanked all of those young bucks at their own game. Apparently standing perfectly still and flinging the ball is the method that works the best for me. Vindication is sweet. What isn't sweet is that my butt hurt for days afterward.

Okay, so was that random enough for you today?

1 comment:

Mrs. Sofa said...

staying up late and junk food are not my good friends anymore.
I find myself getting killer headaches when I do too much of either of those :(