About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I Did It!

I finally got up the nerve to make an appointment to cut my hair. My husband had even gotten tired of my whining about the mop on my head. And I had finally hit the point that a bad haircut was better than what I had going on. So I went yesterday and got it cut. I LOVE IT!!!! I feel 10 pounds lighter and much more attractive. I knew that I had started having headaches and I thought they might be related to my hair but I had no idea how heavy my hair had gotten until she cut it and thinned it alot! I don't have pics today but will post one soon. I still have alot of hair but half of it is gone now. Yippee!!

In other news, hubby and I are making another trip this week to meet with some farms out west. We have it narrowed down to 3 right now and are praying that the Lord will direct us and reveal His will and give us peace. Gonna be a long week of driving but should be a productive week. Praying and hoping that by this time next week hubby will have a new job and we will begin plans to relocate. Lots to do. But one bite at a time, right?

Our boys decided to NOT go on the trip with us. They had been all excited about the road trip until they realized that they would be spending 75% of the time in the car. Our oldest finally looked at me and said "I'm going to let you and dad go by yourselves, and when dad decides where his new job will be and you have a house picked out, THEN I will make that trip". Too hilarious! Growing into such a little man.

I have 2 new books to read on the trip hopefully. I began one. It is One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. I am in Chapter 3 and it is a phenomenal read. So much to think about and process. I highly recommend it to everyone!! The other book is Immanuels Veins by Ted Dekker. I know I will be useless as a person while I read that one so I trying to keep it on the shelf until I have time to truly read it. And may I say that Ted Dekker is one of my favorite writers. I realize he might not be for everyones taste and I get that. But if you are at all curious, please give him a chance. Oh, and Ann Voskamp reads like honey dripping with a fluidity that I haven't encountered in a long time. Try them out. You know.....if you have time....haha.

I had been feeling a little down lately at the prospects of moving away from the deep south and all of the trees and flowers that reside here. They are truly beautiful to behold. I was upset that I might not get to see spring before we moved. But unusual warm temps have triggered all the lovliness and I have been moved to tears as I have witnessed Japanese Magnolias, Dogwood trees, Bradford pears, Camelias, Azaleas, Laurel Pedulums (spelling?) and many more types of flowers blooming out. It has done my heart good to see it. It has also made me realize that I will have to plant many plants wherever we end up. Didn't realize I had gotten so attatched to the plant life here.

Seems like everyone around me isn't wanting to talk about the fact that we may be moving. I am finally feeling the need to talk about and process through it but most everyone else just looks at me, shrugs and changes the subject. Guess I will just have to talk to hubby...haha

1 comment:

Melanie said...

We want pictures!!! :) I'm going to get a haircut tomorrow and I can't wait!!! My neck will be so happy to have this blanket of hair lifted :)

Have a great week!