About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Monday, February 28, 2011

A Jumble of Thoughts

I feel like my brain is overloaded and can't really think straight.

I have entire aspects of my life that I have realized I have just closed the closet door on to revisit later.

I can only deal with so much at one time.

Will I be moving away from the home I have lived in for 10 years? Yes possibly.

Am I freaking out a bit by it? Yes, I am.

Am I excited about the future and what lies ahead? Absolutley!

Am I torn between what I know is God's will and how it will affect those around me? Yep.

Do I feel a peace in the midst of this chaos? I sure do.
Can I explain it? Not really..... I can just feel the arms of the Lord around me whispering that He sees the big picture and to lean into Him.

Please pray for this recovering control freak during this time. God is continuing to show Himself faithful and providing for us. But bottom line is that my hubby needs a job. We are praying about where the Lord wants us.

I went to a funeral on Saturday and heard something that has sunk deep into my spirit. The man died of brain cancer and went through sooooo much pain and dissapointment but those that knew him said over and over again that his only prayer during that time was " Please let the Lord be seen in my life". What a testimony! That is my prayer today. Whatever we face and wherever you send us, Lord I pray that you are seen in our lives. Use us for your glory! We love you Lord! Amen!


Mrs. Sofa said...

Our pastor talked about that man during service yesterday, very touching.
Still praying for you and your family.

prayer line said...

I read your blog and found it very informative and helpful to me .Thanks for such an effort