About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Patience? Really?

Hubby and I just got back from a whilrlwind trip to a job interview 1,300 miles away. I will not bore you with details but I saw nasty weather that freaked me out, and felt cold that made me go numb. Can you say -20 degrees with a wind chill waaayyy lower? Yikes! It is safe to say that we will NOT be moving to Kansas right now. The job was a no-go. God closed the door and I am somewhat relieved. Don't get me wrong, I want my hubby to find a job and be successful but we didn't have peace about that one. God has something else up His sleeve apparently. We are continuing to pray, seek and listen for His leading. A HUGE bonus from all of this is that I have gotten to spend time with my hubby and we got a mini-vacation out of it. So nice to spend time with each other without the kiddos. Soooo hard to leave them at first but it ended up being a blessing.

So I am trying to get back into a routine around here. Hasn't been as easy as I would like. I think I was already packing and preparing to move and now I am having to shift my focus a bit. And patience is being exercised daily. I has to be because it does not come naturally to me at all.

The boys are doing great! The homeschooling has been awesome. We have days that are challenging and even frustrating but the beauty of it is that we can tweak our plans or completely throw them out the window and try somthing else. Yesterday I woke up in a funk and my oldest asked me why I was so upset. Knowing that he did not deserve to have me and my negativity in his face that early, we went to the park and library and postponed school until the afternoon. It was a wonderful day!!!! He was actually more focused and intent to his studies as well. So I think we may mix it up more often. We have also done his schoolwork on the screen porch a good bit this week since it has been phenomenal weather. So thankful for that.

This weather makes me want to go outside as soon as I get up and not come inside until we need to go to bed. I might try that tomorrow.

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