About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ooooo, that smell......

My nose is being offended greatly by the kitchen trash can right now. I think it might actually be affecting my brain functions. I could get up and take it out but it is raining outside and I am in my PJ's, so.....yeah I'm not gonna do that.

A few months ago we "temporarily" set up our computer in the living room on top of a vintage sewing machine in front of a bookcase. It was only supposed to sit there until we tested everything and found it a new home elsewhere in the house AWAY from the trash can. But I haven't done that yet. I will add it to my ever growing "to-do list".

Hubby & I have a very promising lead on a job. It would require relocating 1,000 miles away and leaving our home here. I am processing that right now. Every day brings a new emotion and flood of thoughts. On one hand I am so excited and looking to the future of what God has in store. On the other hand I am feeling nervous and sad at the thought of leaving here. Plus moving would present a really long list of "to-do's". So I am pushing through and just seeking the Lord for His strength, wisdom and joy.

On a completely unrelated topic. Has anyone else seen the show "Wipeout"? I love that show. And I would love to be on it. An absurd obstacle course for adults? Sign me up!!! Anyone want to join me?


Anonymous said...

I'm with you the Wipeout thing...and wow 1,000 miles:) Prayers for you:)

Chrissy said...

Good luck!! Hubby and I just made a major move ourselves to a place where we knew no one... but God has been showing us things we never would have known had we stayed put. Sometimes in life a shift is needed in order to see things from a new perspective. Blessings!