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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Things To Remember

My oldest sweetie pie has been playing tee ball for the last couple weeks. He is having fun and is improving each time he hits the field. I am not particularly blessed with athletic prowess so we are doing what we can.
As I sit in the bleachers with the other parents, grandparents and other random family members of the kids, I have been overhearing some interesting comments. Most of them are complaining about having to sit and watch little kids play ball. I realize that some of the these families may be on their 3 or 4th child and that they may have all of them playing sports and that watching all of the games that implies takes a great deal of time. But I hope and pray that I do not turn into one of those parents, especially actually voicing those "inside thoughts" to the world, within earshot of my children.
So I have decided to make a list of things that I encounter in my own life everyday that seem ordinary or even annoying that I know I will miss when they are no longer a part of my day.

1. Hearing "mommy" said, whispered, yelled, giggled and repeated over 1,000 times a day even when the boys have no reason for needing to get my attention. I think they just like to see my face get red.

2. Cooking dinner only to have the boys inform me that they want something else. (tough for them, by the way....once momma cooks something that is what is for dinner...period)

3. Making beds. Doesn't take alot of time and I know that when they grow up and move out I will miss it.

4. Washing clothes, especially their little clothes. The number of loads will only increase as they and their clothes get bigger.

5. Giving them baths. I have to admit this is NOT my favorite activity, never has been. If that makes me a bad mom......well then alright. But one day they will want to take a big boy shower all by themselves and I will have to stress about whether they washed every area of their bodies if you know what I mean....

6. Cleaning up after them.....all day long. And I might miss cleaning up spilled water or milk or whatever else my youngest was drinking. The record is 3 times in one day. Hoping that stays the record.

7. Watching or listening to PBS, and any number of kids movies that they have. The funniest thing is that my boys inherited my and hubbys talent for talking in movie quotes. There are afternoons when they are playing together and the only conversation between them are scenes from certain movies and cartoons, complete with voice inflection and acting out.

8. Sweeping the floors to get rid of the sand and dirt that they tracked in from playing outside digging in the dirt. They love it!!!I love watching them.

9. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will miss seeing them learn something new, mastering a new skill and my most favorite, reading to them. They love to sit on either side and have me read books. Reading is my all-time favorite past-time so I am hoping to pass it down.

10. And the most precious of all the "ordinary" day to day items is saying our prayers as a family each night and hearing our sweet boys pray to the Lord and knowing that they understand what they are saying and that they love the Lord. It melts my hear everytime. Oh how I will miss that when they are grown and living on their own.

I know that I will have many more years of enjoying them but I thought that I needed to remind myself to not take the days I have with them now for granted. I urge you to do the same. I don't want to look back on this time in our lives together and regret anything. Time and life is too precious.

Be blessed and have a great weekend!!!


T.M. said...

*sniff* You are such a good mommy. :)

Listening to other parents while watching E's gymnastics the other day was eye opening...

Learning 4 Life said...

Ditto from this Mommy. Well said and a great reminder :-)

sofa said...

I notice the same at Daws' soccer games - it's sad.
I've been thinking about all the things I'm going to miss too. I guess this coming school year helps me remember that these special times won't be around forever.