About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Last week my mom asked me to help her finish up a pianting job. My sister offered to watch my boys so I could help. My mom is one of the most giving people in the world and so I said "yes". After all I enjoy painting and I could use a day without the kiddos. So off we went to paint a bathroom.

We got there and began cleaning and priming. The lady who owned the house came in and told me that she was moving and was getting rid of alot of the "stuff" that accumulated over the years. She had the radio on a Christian station and mom and I painted and listened. As the time went by I began to feel the presence of the Lord so strongly in her home. It was apparent that she was a woman that had invited the Lord in and lived in a way that would please Him. I was so blessed just being in her home. I cried and cried and laughed. It was a new and interesting experience for me. The Lord used her and her home to bless me so much that day.

We were about halfway through our day when she came in and asked if I had any Fine China dishes. When I got married 10 years ago I was so anti-tradition that I didn't even register for any. I thought it was a waste of money. But as I have gotten older I have wished so many times that I had some nice pretty dishes when company comes over. So I told her that I didn't have any and told her the story behind it. Then she showed me some beautiful Norcrest China and told me that I could have them. I was floored. They were so delicate and feminine and gorgeous. She started packing them up for me and put them by the front door. I was speechless. Then she asked if I had anyplace to put them. I told her I had a small hutch. Then she offered me a huge hutch from her dining room. I had noticed the hutch earlier and had thought to myself that I loved and it was sooooo cute. I didn't know what to say. She said that she would like to give it to me as well. All I had to do was to come and pick it up. About 15 minutes later she came to me with a wooden case and opened it. It was a silver set. Real silver. I have never had anything like that before. She put it with the dishes. She was so generous and giving. And she did so with such a joyful heart. It was such a blessing.

I went that day thinking that I would be able to be a blessing to someone and the Lord blessed me beyond my imagination. I now have a beautiul hutch with lovely China displayed on it and Silver to boot. These are all just material things but the Lord has used this experience to teach me so much.

I think God likes to just show off sometimes. He orchestrated that day to bless everyone. He blessed me while I worked and then added some fluff just because He can. The lady got her rooms painted and I was able to learn from her.

So I have been thinking that the Lord is alot like that lady. So often He wants to bless us but we never put ourselves in a position to be in the place where He can. If I hadn't gone that day I would not be the new owner of a hutch, China and Silver. It is just that simple. How many times have I missed out on Gods blessing because I didn't go or do the things God asked of me? He desires to pour out blessings in our lives. He longs to do things so great and above what we can conceive. Let's make sure we are in position to receive.

Have a great Mothers Day!!!!! And be blessed!

Job 10:12 You have granted me life and favor, and Your providence has preserved my spirit.
By the way.....aren't these the cutest little boys you have ever seen? These are my two little guys and my two nephews.


Nancy said...

What a great story!! Four boys, oh my, so handsome they are!

Shell said...

GOD IS So Good!!