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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Just some stuff

I am feeling an overwhelming desire to completely overhaul my life in a big way. I have kind of let myself slip into a place of complacency and selfsihness in the last few years. DOn't get me wrong I love my hubby and boys. I am not talking ahout overhauling them at all. LOL They are just right they way they are. But I on the other hand could use some updating.

For the past few years I have wanted to learn to ride a horse. I want to ride through the wide open spaces listening to the world around me. Reid has expressed interest in this as well. So I am hoping to look into this further. We do live in the country and he will soon be attending school with kids that live on farms with animals so I don't think it is that far-fetched.

I am also thinking and praying about a way that I can express myself musically again. I have missed teaching so much and I miss the interaction with the kids I taught. I loved leading them in praises to the Lord. There is nothing like it. So I am seeking an avenue to reach out in this area of my life.

I am also needing to get ALOT more organized than I currently am. My children need more structure than they have and I need more discipline in my life. My "we will do whatever we want whenever we get to it" is not teaching my children much. ;) So I am looking into ways to get myself motivated.

And then there is getting healthy. Eating better and exercising. (because I haven't done that in a while now) I would like to find something that I enjoy doing that would serve two purposes. Buring calories and having fun.

Sounds like alot but I know that these are all things that will make my life more full and satisfying. Not to mention making me a better wife and mother. Having focused on just me and myself lately has left me isolated, selfish and unhappy. So I am trusting the Lord to work His will in me and to mold me into the person He created me to be.

1 comment:

Aelon said...

I think the things you are striving for are healthy ways to be selfish. I think life gets lost and we get sucked into the everyday mundane routine. I have struggled with feeling like I have lost my identity and am only a mother. Learn to ride a horse, exercise, take time for YOU. I am learning that these things will only make you a better person, wife, and mother.