About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

wa wa wa wa

"He's looking at me!" "He's looking at me!" "Argh!" "Stop it!"

Apparently the boys have hit that point in childhood where it truly offends you when you are looked at.....ever. The past few days have been filled with hollering, crying, hitting, yelling, pushing, hiding and purposeful aggrivation. So much fun!! The funniest thing is that I can remember doing every single thing they are doing when I was younger. It must have drove my mom crazy, especially with there being 4 of us doing it. I distinctly remember fussing in the car about it. The rule was you couldn't look at or touch anyone else without there being major drama. LOL And don't even think about putting your hand or any other part of your body on someone elses side of the car. Hahahaha Thankfully the boys are still on carseats on opposite sides of the car. But lately they have started "slap-fights". Luckily what the little guy lacks in size, he makes up in spunk. They are pretty evenly matched. They need to learn how to work things out on their own so I try to just supervise them when they start to wail on each other so we can avoid any real drama and injuries.

Oh, and the youngest has started drawing and coloring on anything and everything.....argh! His brother NEVER did that. Of course his brother isn't as busy as the little guy.

Something must be blooming outside. Me and the oldest boy have been sneezing all morning long. Seriously, between the two of us I think we have sneezed about 200 times. And that is NO exaggeration. Poor guy, he inherited my allergies. My hubby doesn't have allergies and neither does the little guy, thank goodness. I just hoped that it would skip both of the boys. THey are such a nuisance.

Wishing it would warm up!!


Mrs. Sofa said...

my kids are separated in the car, but they still manage to hit and aggravate each other.

Aelon said...

Mine doesn't have anyone to hit but finds it amusing to pitch fits and throw things at me...oh, the joy.

T.M. said...

E is an artist, too. I can't tell you how many things in this house have her mark on them, literally. I do feel for you on that one!