About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Living Unplugged

I decided a couple weeks ago to unplug from Facebook. The decision was affected by many factors but the main one was the wasted time. It seemed that I never had enough hours in my day to finish the laundry, or to clean the bathrooms, or to spend time with the boys going over a concept that has given them issues, to cook a decent meal or to spend time with my Heavenly Father. I am a stay at home mom that also homeschools. Right now our schedule also includes almost daily trips to baseball/tball practices & games. But who am I kidding? I have plenty of time to get what needs to be done, DONE. Because I had plenty of time to cruise through Facebook news feeds, to pin recipes I would never actually cook, to fill my mind with facts about people that I don't really know. I mean, if I wouldn't bother calling them & inviting them over for dinner then I don't really need to know what they ate last night for dessert or that their kids are driving them crazy. All the stuff I was filling my mind & time with was robbing me of time with MY family and I was choosing to do it every day, almost every hour.  So I decided to deactivate my Facebook account. I was amazed at how many people seemed annoyed at my decision and how it would affect them.....Really??? I should plan my life around what makes others happy???? No, I don't think so. Because I am pretty sure that those opinionated folks will not be volunteering to load my dishwasher, fold the laundry, teach my kiddos mulitiplication or run to the grocery store so my sweet family can eat. So I deactivated and was feeling so relieved. Then a couple days later I noticed that I was feeling anxious about all the STUFF I didn't know about......Could I really be experiencing FB withdrawals??? Yep, I think I was. But I kept pressing on......avoiding the computer and did a load of laundry instead. Avoiding the computer and spending more time teaching. Avoiding the computer and being more present with my family. I still have a long way to go but the rewards are paying off so far. I am motivated to continue. So Sunday, the Lord & I were talking and I felt like I was supposed to unplug from my TV too. What!? No Downton Abbey? No Grey's Anatomy? No whatever junk I turned on just to have some noise in the evenings??? How would I manage? But I am going to try. Because I know that TV is another time stealer for me. Especially now that we have Netflix and I can watch an entire season of a show in a week. It has been keeping me up toooo late and making me unproductive in the mornings. So for the next few weeks I will not be watching TV unless my hubby asks me to watch something with him. I am going to try to spend more time reading, sleeping and being productive with my day. But most importantly I am going to spend more time with God and His Word. Because lets face it, all the rest of that stuff we waste time on is just a distraction from time with Him.  Obviously I am still online and I will continue to blog and talk on my phone and text. But I am praying that unplugging some of my life will allow me to REALLY LIVE my life, instead of just existing and living vicariously through the FB posts of other people and TV characters.

1 comment:

tara said...

Go you! I am trying to wean myself a little bit. It is so hard. I do like the easy way to connect with people who are so scattered, but you are right, it is really just too much information and so distracting.