About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Thankful Heart

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and many, many people will be taking time to really reflect on their lives and blessings. When I look around I see so many wonderful blessings, even some that get overlooked in the living of daily life. So today I feel like reminding myself of all of them.

I am blessed to have a Saviour that has made the ultimate sacrifice to give me new life and encourages my daily to live the life that He designed especially for me. I am so thankful that my assignment on this earth is to please Him and Him alone. Everything else can fade to the background and because I know God is faithful and has plans and purposes for me that are for my good and the good of my family, I can rest assured that when I am obedient and live a life pleasing to the Lord that it will also be in the best interest of my husband and children too. I can leave the results up to God. I am so thankful that He has it all under control.

I am so blessed to have a husband that loves the Lord and seeks to know His will. He works so hard to take care of me and the boys and has supported me in so many ways. His hard work and sacrifice have enabled me to stay home with our sweet boys. He may not understand me sometimes and we may be complete opposites but I have found that the longer we are together that we make a wonderful team that balance each others strengths and weaknesses. I am learning more about him daily and I look forward to another 50 years of growing together and seeing what God will make of our life together.

I am overcome with gratitude when I think of our two sons. They are such welcome surprises everyday that they wake me up with a smile on their faces and a twinkle in their eyes. They love to talk about Jesus and how much He loves them and how they love Him in return. My heart melts when I hear them praying to the Lord about the smallest, simplest things. I know it delights the Fathers' heart as well. I pray that they always maintain the open, transparency that they now possess when it comes to communicating with God. I learn something new from them everyday. They are so unique with special giftings and talents that I know the Lord will cultivate and use for His glory. I am honored to be their mother and to see the miracle of their lives.

I have an awesome extended family and am priviledged to have such a wonderful support system. I was raised in a house that honored the Lord and trained me up in His ways. I am so thankful for the jumpstart that gave me in life. My family are gifted in so many ways and I know God is maturing us and refining us to be used as a team for His kingdom. I can't see the end result right now but I am excited and hopeful about what is to come.

Hubby & I found a wonderful church almost 2 years ago. We feel so blessed to be surrounded by such a wonderful church body. We have grown in the Lord and have seen tremendous growth. We feel so blessed to have a place to serve and to see how God is working in the lives of so many.

I could go on and on but I think I will try to post again tomorrow. Right now I need to enjoy my day with the little blessings running in and out the back door.

Be blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!!

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