About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Way Too Long

Well, it's a new year and it occurred to me that I have not blogged in almost a year and a half. I did not write one blog at all in 2014. And it wasn't for lack of material.

I guess you could say this past year has been a year of transition for me. Not necessarily in the things you would notice every day but more subtle and internal. I have gained friends and had friends move away and move on. I have come to the realization that sometimes the only way to live a full life is to let go of the life you thought you would have. And sometimes you have to do it every day.

This past year brought me to 35 years old and I have to say that I am finding a new freedom in growing older. The opinions and expectations of others just don't carry the same weight as they did before. I am finally getting comfortable in my own skin, and trying to take the time to find out what exactly I like to do and what is my passion. Most folks figure that out during college but, as a life long people pleaser, I am a late bloomer.

Our homeschool journey continues and while some days I want to run away away and hide, we are still enjoying it and learning each day. I am being tested and stretched and having to learn a new way of doing things but it's worth it.

Not sure if this blog will remain public for much longer. I realized that I stopped writing at a time in my life when I was uncomfortable writing from my heart because I was not wanting just anybody to be able to read it. So I'm praying about what to do.

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