About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What happened to my brain cells???

It is amazing how when you take a break from something how much harder it is to get going again.....could be eating healthy, exercising, reading your Bible, regular prayer time, cleaning, and in this case.....blogging.

I have sat down at the computer so many times over the last couple of months to write a new post and just stare at the screen and cannot come up with anything to write. Oh, I think of things while I am at home doing other things.....but when I sit down to type it up I cannot remember any of the brilliant and witty and articulate things I want to say.

There is much going on in our home and lives right now but I am not really compelled to summarize and share...especially since it will most likely read like your own day. Not much fun.

I am in a rut when it comes to cooking so I don't have any really cool and yummy recipes to share.

My camera needs new batteries so I don't even have any new pics.

I know.....pathetic. :)

I am hoping that as I make a point to blog more often that the creative juices will begin flowing again and I might actually be able to write something that someone else might actually want to read.

In the meantime.........