About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Today is a Thankful List kind of day.

Thankful for:

*a husband that works so hard so that I can stay home with our two sweet boys
*two sweet boys that bring immeasurable joys to my life every day
*the mud pit in our yard that fires up imaginations and inspires fun
*the rain that is falling outside and the smell it brings on the wind
*a family that desires to serve God
*a brother that can bring me to tears with his music
*time spent with him and his amazing family
*for miracles....yes, they are real!!
*friends, new friends, friends that have been in my life for almost 2 decades, friends that lift me up in prayer and encourage me in the Lord, challenging me to be the best wife, daughter, mother, sister and friend I can
*my sister....she needs a whole blog....she is amazing!!! and the best friend I could possible have. Miss her so much!!!
*my mother. she has taught me so much and I feel tremendously blessed to consider her a friend at this point in my life.
*my cup overflows.
*music, praise, worship and the presence of the Lord that inhabits the praises of His people.
*my Savior that does not put a limit on the blessings in my life, he doesn't make me qualify for His blessings but He freely gives with a heart of love.
*cake, all kinds of cake
*the fact that I can approach the Father in Jesus name without having to go thru anyone else....what intimacy
*electricty, just makes my life easier
*washing machine and dryer...see above
*THIS DAY.......it is a blessing and it will never come again....choosing to enjoy it on purpose
*for getting to spend Saturday night with our two young men at a Night of Worship and getting to see them truly enter into the presence of God and soaking it up.....they were so engaged and chains were broken in my life and in their lives too...thankful for the words spoken over them and me and the way God ministered to all of us. Definitely was like putting a new lens on our life and future....it is time to think BIGGER. More about that in another post.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Loved seeing you and your boys on Saturday. And seeing the anointing over them and you in worship brought me to tears. God is so good!!!