About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


My grandfather is in the hospital right now recovering from open heart surgery. The surgery was a huge success and he is doing phenomenal. Today he is up and walking around. His surgery was Monday. It boggles my mind that it is possible to open up a body, stop a heart, hook up a bypass machine, operate and correct clogged arteries, reattatch them to the heart, restart the heart, close up everything, wake the person up and they can walk around 2 days later. The human body is a marvelous thing. But the creator of that body is truly the ultimate in magnificence and marvelous. He was with my Papa and continues to heal his body and I am so thankful and grateful.

A few things happened while we (my family) was over there to support my Papa and Nana. Some of them made me step back and count my blessings, especially when it comes to my children. They are healthy, physically, mentally, developementally. They are growing the way they are supposed to. They are blessings!! Some days when I am overwhelmed and frustrated I am not mindful of the obvious and I forget to be thankful. I was reminded. Thank you Lord!

I also realized that there is only one person on which I can rely totally on for all my needs. His name happens to be Jesus and He wants to be my everything. Anytime I try to rely on someone else or somthing else to meet a need in me it is doomed to failure and destined to leave me feeling like I have been run over by a Mack truck. When will I learn? Hope it is soon. So glad the Lord doesn't give up on this stubborn woman.

I was without my two sweet little boys while I was out of town. I missed them sooooooo much. I missed their banter, their humor and their ability to make me smile and laugh no matter what. I am truly blessed!!!!

You know what? I am also blessed with a tremendous sister that happens to be a wonderful mother and my bestest friend in all da wurld.(smiles, Mal) Her sweet little boys were such breath of fresh air the past few days. Nothing like the smell of a newborn, is there? And my brother. What an awesome man of god. I am honored to have such a man in my life. His wife is an inspiration and such a sweet woman. And their little boy make me want to keep my lips attatched to his cheek forever. What a cutie!! He even showed me how to watch youtube videos on the phone. He is not quite 2 and I am 31. I think I am lacking in technology training.
And I am blessed to have the best momma in the entire universe. Sorry to all of you out there that think your mom is. But my mom is the best. Her strength, humility, reliance on the Lord and determination to do things Gods way is a constant challenge to me to let God do things His way and to die to myself. She has gone through so much but she continues to stand in the strength of the Lord and I am anxious to see what tremendous blessings that God has in store for her. Thanks mom!! I love you!

Blessings come in many ways. And I am determined today to think on these things.

1 comment:

amber said...

nuh-uh, my mom is the best ;)
glad to hear things are going well.