About Me

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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pretty Toes

Alright, I guess you could say that I have been swayed to the girly side of things. I have blogged on here before about the fact that I have never had a pedicure and never fully understood why someone would in fact go pay money to get one. Well, let me just say that I understand now!!! My friend gave me a pedicure and lunch out for Christmas and at first I was unsure about the whole thing. But after thinking about it some more, I decided to throw caution to the wind and to surrender my feet to a sweet little lady with magic hands. It was a lovely, relaxing and totally frivolous thing to do. I loved it!!! So, in all fairness, I must aplogize to all of you who knew about this wonderful world and endured my ridicule and teasing. Can I join your club now? My feet feel so soft and my toes are beautiful!! And yes, I would go again very soon. In fact I might even start a savings envelope that says "Pretty Toes".

I am trying all kinds of new things these days. Who knew? And I am mentally tracking back to all of the other things I said I would "never do". I am beginning to think that God is wanting to teach me some things about my mouth......


Fearfully. Wonderfully. said...

FINALLY!!!! :) haha.

I have a pedicure envelope as well. I have two girlfriends that have the same envelope! We all go together every other month and enjoy an hour of pampering and wonderful conversation.

Let me know when you're next one is due, I might just have to come that way and join you!

Anonymous said...

Pedicures are wonderful and I'm so happy you went!!! I just started a few years ago, and now my feet are gross to me when I can't go for awhile. Right now, I don't have pretty toes, I think I'll get a pedicure tomorrow;)