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I am a wife, a mommy, a home educator, and domestic goddess, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a musician, a reader, a writer, and a lover of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What is going on?

I was listening to news radio this morning coming back from my early morning walk and heard that President Obama has lifted the ban on embrionic stem cell research. I am so dissapointed and upset by this. It has been proven that there has not been anything beneficial come out of this research, especially now that they can harvest stem cells from adult subjects. And hello.....what about all of that cord blood they just keep throwing away? It is a gold mine for stem cells and is ideal for many aplications since it does not have DNA. They don't have the rejection issues in transplants that occur in other types of treatment and transplants. But do you think they are going to use that? No, and if you want to save your childs cord blood they will charge you enormous amounts of money to do so. Everything in our world just seems backwards.

Mr. Obama also has decided that he would like to lift the Consciece Rule protective rights that doctors and physicians now have. As it stands right now a doctor or physician does not have to perform abortions if they find it morally, ethically, or religiously wrong and they are protected in their choice. But if the Conscience Rule is removed then all physicians that are approached would be obligated by the government to perform the abortion or risk being shut down. That is just wrong! Leaders of religiously affiliated hospitals have been in dialogue with our President regarding this matter. If this passes then entire hospitals will be closing their doors. Do you realize that some of the best hospitals across our country are Catholic hospitals, Baptist hospital, etc...? They will have to shut their doors because they will not compromise. Guess who will be ready and willing to purchase those newly vacated facilities? You guessed it, the government. Call me crazy but I am not sure how I feel about not having a choice of going to a privately owned hospital for treatment if I want. Or having to find a different doctor for me and my family because the ones we had are out of work because of the government putting their noses where it doesn't belong.

It is no secret that I believe that abortion is wrong. But since there are so many doctors willing to perform them I think it is a travesty that our President thinks that he should be allowed to force people who are opposed to perform them. Folks, it is time to get on our knees and cry out to the Lord and ask for his mercy to be upon us and our country. And we need to pray that our President will see the truth of what he and his supporters are doing to our families, our communities and our country. I don't see how putting a large percentage of our health care professionals in the line of fire is going to benefit our country and its economy.

On a lighter note....I just heard that Peter Fuller is leaving the Newsboys and that Michael Tait (of DCTalk) is the new leader singer. Truly, what is going on in the world?


Kelly Bell said...

WOW! That is awful. I heard about the stem cell research but not about the doctor part. I will definitely be praying that it doesn't pass...I can't even comprehend that doctors could be forced to do that.

Shell said...

That Makes me want to not continue my education. I am in a holding pattern until my kids are in school so I can go back to school. Trevecca Has a really good PA program I want to go through or I will go through Vanderbilt's NP program. And as a Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner this would effect where and how I would want to Practice.

You did a good Job putting this into words. K You have a gift of writing.

Uncommon Blonde said...

It's a scary scary world we live in.

T.M. said...

The companies who do this type of research actually had their stocks go up this week. Someone close to me whose name I won't mention wanted to buy into it. We had a lengthy conversation about why this was a horrible decision and how upset I would be. Dirty money.

Mrs. Sofa said...

very, very scary!

Anonymous said...

I am really not surprised with President Obama’s decision about stem cells, and abortion. This is exactly what the American people want these days. This is what the American people voted in during the 2008 presidential election.

We, as nation, chose to have government bail out the economy and provide us with a job (government jobs are one of the only sectors that has seen job increases). I have explained to all my friends that it would be more efficient for the American people, instead of giving taxes to the government, to give money to our churches and let the churches distribute the money to the people who need it. It would be more local—and there will be more accountability.

Even though I say that, I trust in the providence of God and His big picture plan for our lives. God has always given us a choice to choose the path of our lives. He is the example of the model for our lives. It’s not about having government involved in determining who gets funded and who doesn’t. Government should ONLY exist to promote order in society and provide services which would not be profitable in the private sector (building roads, water and sewage, police and fire, trash collection, etc.) As believers, we all who believe in the Bible needs to stand up and be the role models in our society. We all need to be the individual that you would like to be the example of others to follow. We need to vote for our leaders who stand up for what values we believe for the long term, not for just a few years.